API Reference
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API Reference

How it works

Create your first Greenspark API key

You can find your API keys in your Account under the API Keys tab. Click on the 'Create API Key' button to start.

Name your API key and choose the type of it based on your requirements. Select the 'Widget API' type if you plan to use the Widget API, the 'Zapier' type if you're setting up a zap in your Zapier account or the 'Greenspark API' type in any other case. After all, click on the 'Create API Key' button to generate your key.

Copy your API key and handle it as a secret, if it's 'Greenspark API' or 'Zapier' type (store it safely). Your API key is only shown to you once so you can't view it after you close this dialog, but you can always create a new one if needed.

šŸŽ‰ Congratulations, you are ready to start using the Greenspark API. Now you can create Tailored Impacts, fetch the Reporting API and create custom integrations.

Create your first custom integration (optional)

Beyond Tailored Impacts, you can partition your Impacts further by creating a Custom Integration. A Custom Integration holds a source and one or more triggers. This way you can create a data structure that perfectly fits your business needs and simplify reporting.

Adding a custom integration through the UI:

You can find your integrations by heading to the 'Add Impact' section of your dashboard and then clicking on the 'Manage' button within to the 'Integration & automations' section.

You can filter by 'Custom' to view only your Custom Integrations. To create a new one, click on the 'Create custom integration' button.

In the dialog you will see a short description about creating Custom Integrations as well as a link to the API documentation. To continue click on the 'Create Custom Integration' button.

Give your Source a name and upload an optional icon.

Name your first Trigger and select a type that best fits your use case. You can always create additional triggers later.

With your freshly created Custom Integration you can use the Impact API by providing the source id and trigger id, creating a data structure that perfectly fits your business and simplifying reporting.

Create your first Widget API key

You can find your API keys in your Account under the API Keys tab. Click on the 'Create API Key' button to start.

Name your API key and choose 'Widget API' as the type, then click on the 'Create API Key' button to generate your key.

Copy your API key and embed it into your application to fetch Widgets. Since it's usually placed within a client-side application, it should be considered as a public key. Your API key is only shown to you once so you can't view it after you close this dialog, but you can always create a new one if needed.

šŸŽ‰ Congratulations, you are ready to start using the Widget API to easily fetch and display all of our Widgets.


If you have any questions please get in touch with us at hello@getgreenspark.com