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Impact segmentation

Learn how to segment your impact data.

The Greenspark API is designed to enable users to segment their impacts in various ways, which is beneficial for retrieving created impacts through the Reporting API. You can segment your data by creating sources and triggers, or you can take it a step further by segmenting impacts at the transactional level using metadata. Additionally, you have the option to combine these two approaches for more refined data segmentation.

  1. Segment by sources and triggers : This method is ideal for high-level data segmentation, allowing you to group impacts by sources (parent) and triggers (child). Sources can have multiple triggers, establishing a one-to-many relationship between the two domains.
    Example: If a business sells products across various pages with different types of goods, it can create a source for each page and a trigger for each product type.

  1. Segment by metadata : This approach is suitable for transactional-level data segmentation. You can achieve this by tagging your impacts with identifiers created within the same context or for similar reasons.
    Example: If you create impacts on behalf of your customers, you can filter these impacts by customer using metadata to display the impacts specific to each individual.

  1. No Segmentation Approach : If you prefer not to segment your impacts, you can achieve this by utilising the Create Tailored Impact endpoint without including segmentation methods. This endpoint is designed to create impacts in an on-demand manner, allowing you to bypass segmentation like sources, triggers, or metadata