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With the Email endpoints you can manage Custom Domains and Notification Templates.

CustomDomainDto Object

idstringThe id of the custom domain object.
domainstringThe domain name.
dnsDnsDtoContains the DNS records that must be added to your domain.
validbooleanThe indicator of the DNS records validity.

DnsDto Object

mailCnameRecordDtoRecord that must be added to your domain.
dkim1RecordDtoRecord that must be added to your domain.
dkim2RecordDtoRecord that must be added to your domain.

RecordDto Object

validbooleanThe indicator of the DNS record validity.
typestringThe type of the record that must be added to your domain.
hoststringThe type of the record that must be added to your domain.
datastringThe value of the record that must be added to your domain.

CustomDomainRequestBody Object

domainstringThe domain name.

NotificationTemplateResponseDto Object

idstringThe id of the template.
isActivebooleanStart sending this template to your customers.
isCustombooleanBoolean flag indicates customized template.
typeTypeDtoIt holds the type related properties.
settingsSettingsDtoIt holds the settings related properties.
contentContentDtoIt holds the content related properties.

TypeDto Object

isScheduleCustombooleanBoolean flag indicates customized schedule.
isTriggerCustombooleanBoolean flag indicates customized trigger.
namestringName of the template.
schedulenumber[]Sets how many days after an impact creation a signup nudging email is sent out to your customer.
templatestringThe name of the template. It can be: 'invitation', 'update', 'nudge'.
triggerstring[]The name of the triggers. It can be:
'offsetPerOrder', 'offsetPerProduct',

SettingsDto Object

aliasstringThis is the name display for the specified sender email address.
fromEmailDtoThe email address used for sending emails.
isAliasCustombooleanBoolean flag indicates customized alias.
isFromCustombooleanBoolean flag indicates customized sender email address.
isPreheaderCustombooleanBoolean flag indicates customized preheader.
isSubjectCustombooleanBoolean flag indicates customized subject.
preheaderstringThe preheader is the text following the subject line when an email is previewed.
scheduleScheduleDtoYou can choose to send your template continuously starting at the selected start date or only during a specific date range.
subjectstringYour subject line is one of the first things that your customers read and is a key driver in successful open rates.

EmailDto Object

domainstringThe domain name used for sending emails based on this template.
namestringThe name part of the email address.

ScheduleDto Object

startDatestringThe start date of the scheduled email sending.
isEndDateCustombooleanBoolean flag indicates customized schedule end date.
endDatestringThe end date of the scheduled email sending.

ContentDto Object

bodystringUse our pre-defined email body or customise it to fit your brand. Add dynamic data by using the variables provided.
headerImagestringAdd your own logo to the top of the email or use our pre-defined header image. If you use your own header image please ensure it is maximum 1370 x 700, or has a 2:1 aspect ratio.
isBodyCustombooleanBoolean flag indicates customized body.
isFooterHiddenbooleanHide our email footer explaining the benefits of Greenspark.
isFooterHiddenCustombooleanBoolean flag indicates customized hidden footer setting.
isHeaderImageCustombooleanBoolean flag indicates customized header image.
isTotalImpactHiddenbooleanHide your total impact so far within your emails.
isTotalImpactHiddenCustombooleanBoolean flag indicates customized hidden total impact setting.

TestNotificationTemplateRequestDto Object

customerEmailstringTest recipient email address.
notificationTemplateNotificationTemplateRequestDtoNotification template to test.

NotificationTemplateRequestDto Object

isActivebooleanStart sending this template to your customers.
typeTypeRequestBodyIt holds the type related properties.
settingsSettingsRequestBodyIt holds the settings related properties.
contentContentRequestBodyIt holds the content related properties.

TypeRequestBody Object

namestringmaxLength: 100

Name of the template
templatestringThe type of the template.

'invitation', 'update', 'nudge'
triggerstring[]Choose the impact action which triggers your email to be sent out.

'offsetPerOrder', 'offsetPerProduct', 'offsetBySpend', 'offsetByStoreRevenue', 'offsetByPercentageOrder', 'offsetPerSubscription', 'offsetPerReview',
schedulenumber[]Sets how many days after an impact creation a signup nudging email is sent out to your customer.

maximum: 365
minimum: 0

SettingsRequestBody Object

fromEmailRequestBodyThe email address used for sending emails.
aliasstringmaxLength: 100

This is the name display for the specified sender email address.
subjectstringmaxLength: 100

Your subject line is one of the first things that your customers read and is a key driver in successful open rates.
preheaderstringmaxLength: 100

The preheader is the text following the subject line when an email is previewed.
scheduleScheduleRequestBodyYou can choose to send your template continuously starting at the selected start date or only during a specific date range.

EmailRequestBody Object

namestringmaxLength: 100

The domain name used for sending emails based on this template.
domainstringThe name part of the email address.

ScheduleRequestBody Object

startDatestringThe start date of the scheduled email sending.

ISO8601 date and time string.
endDatestringThe end date of the scheduled email sending.

ISO8601 date and time string.

ContentRequestBody Object

headerImagestringmaxLength: 50000

Add your own logo to the top of the email or use our pre-defined header image. If you use your own header image please ensure it is maximum 1370 x 700, or has a 2:1 aspect ratio. You can upload it as a base 64 encoded image.
bodystringUse our pre-defined email body or customise it to fit your brand. Add dynamic data by using the variables provided.
isFooterHiddenbooleanHide our email footer explaining the benefits of Greenspark.
isTotalImpactHiddenbooleanHide your total impact so far within your emails.